Documento 12 - Letters from Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap. to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap.

Código de referência

IE CA KK/4/3/12


Letters from Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap. to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap.


  • 7 Dec. 1940-13 Apr. 1942 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

4 items; Manuscript and typescript

Nome do produtor

(27 February 1890-2 October 1969)

História biográfica

Edward Bourke was born in Kilkenny city on 27 February 1890. He studied at the Seraphic College in Rochestown, County Cork, and joined the Capuchin Franciscan Order in 1906 taking Canice as his religious name. He was ordained to the priesthood in August 1906. He earned a BA degree from University College Cork in 1911. He was appointed guardian (local superior) of Holy Trinity Friary in Cork in 1933. He also served as superior of St. Bonaventure’s Hostel in Cork in 1946 and was instrumental in establishing the Capuchin House of Studies in Raheny in Dublin in the late 1940s. He was elected Provincial Definitor (Councillor) on several occasions. He returned to his native Kilkenny in 1959. Fr. Canice spent much of his ministry giving missions and retreats and was well known for his effective and energetic preaching. For many years, he served as Commissary Provincial of the Third Order of St. Francis confraternity. A fluent Irish speaker, he was also the author of several devotional texts including ‘Mary / A study of the Mother of God’ (1936), ‘Humility / the foundation of spiritual life’ (1951), and ‘Mary’s Rosary / Its devout recital’ (1960). He died in Dublin on 2 October 1969 and was buried on the Feast of St. Francis (4 October) in Glasnevin Cemetery.

Baptismal name: Edward Bourke
Religious name: Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 27 Feb. 1890
Place of birth: High Street, Kilkenny (Diocese of Ossory)
Name of father: James Bourke (Draper)
Name of mother: Catherine Walsh
Date of reception into the Capuchin Order: 26 Aug. 1906
Date of first profession: 17 Sept. 1907
Date of final profession: 21 Jan. 1912
Date of ordination (as priest): 5 July 1914
Educational attainments: BA (NUI), 1911
Leadership positions: Provincial Definitor: 1928-31, 1937-41, 1943-6, 1946-9, 1949-51, 1952-5; Custos General: 1940-3, 1955-8.
Date of death: 2 Oct. 1969
Place of death: St. Michael’s Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin
Place of burial: Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Letters from Fr. Canice Bourke OFM Cap., Commissary Provincial of the Third Order, to Fr. Terence Anglin OFM Cap., regarding returns for the fraternities in Kilkenny. Fr. Canice also affirms that every ‘priest in the Province has the power to receive persons into the Third Order and to profess them (7 Dec. 1940). See also CA KK/1/3/15.

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