Blank ‘An Claidhemah Soluis’ headed paper. The office is address is given as 24 O’Connell Street, Dublin.
A bound volume with a printed title on front cover which reads ‘newspaper cuttings’ containing original letters and clippings offering favourable testimonials on the short-lived quarterly review periodical ‘Bonaventura’ published by the Capuchin Publications Office. The volume contains content from politicians, clergymen and religious, artists, and writers. Correspondents include Peter F. Anson, William Frederick Paul Stockley (1859-1943), Lancelot Lawton, Frank Duff, D.L. Kelleher, Canon Patrick Rogers, León Ó Broin, Máiréad Ní Ghráda, Aodh de Blácam (1891-1951), Kathleen O’Connell, Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap., Archbishop Paschal Robinson OFM, and Eamonn O’Neill (1882-1954). Reference is made in an article from ‘The Advocate’ (22 July 1937) to the deaths of seventy-two Capuchin friars in Spain during the Civil War.
A clipping of a review of the first edition of ‘Bonaventura’ published in the 'Clonmel Nationalist' (14 July 1937).
A clipping of a review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1939) published in the ‘Clonmel Nationalist’ (3 December 1938).
A clipping of a short review of the first edition of ‘Bonaventura’ published in the ‘Cork Examiner’ (23 June 1937).
A clipping of a positive review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1934) published in the ‘Cork Examiner (6 December 1933).
A clipping of a review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1937) published in the ‘Cork Examiner’ (9 December 1936).
A clipping of a review of ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1950-1) published in the ‘Cork Examiner’ (14 March 1951).
A clipping of a review of the third issue of ‘Bonaventura’ published in the ‘Cork Examiner’ (1 December 1937).
A clipping of a review of the third issue of ‘Bonaventura’ published in ‘The Waterford News’ (10 December 1937). Particular attention is given to writers from Waterford who contributed articles to the publication.