Código de referência
- 1921 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
68 pp; illustrations, printed
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Âmbito e conteúdo
A copy of a pamphlet titled ‘Who burnt Cork City? / a tale of arson, loot, and murder / the evidence of over seventy witnesses’ (Dublin: Published by the Irish Labour Party & Trade Union Congress, 1921). Several clippings have been inserted into the pamphlet (including on the title page).
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‘Who burned Cork City?’ was published by the Irish Labour Party and Trade Union Congress in January 1921. The work drew upon evidence from eyewitnesses which suggested that the fires had been set by British forces and that soldiers had prevented firefighters from tackling the blaze. The material was compiled by Alfred O’Rahilly (1884-1969), an academic in University College Cork.
Digital copy available to view online at https://archive.org/details/whoburntcorkcity00dubl