Parte 38 - Recruitment Meeting, Mansion House, Dublin

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IE CA CP/3/16/2/38


Recruitment Meeting, Mansion House, Dublin


  • 7 May 1915 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 p.; clipping

Nome do produtor

(24 November 1900-26 July 1970)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

A clipping of an image of the bands of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, the Irish Guards, and the Royal Irish Constabulary assembled outside the Mansion House on Dawson Street in Dublin at a recruitment meeting on 7 May 1915. The image was published in the ‘Irish Life’ magazine (8 October 1915). The original caption for the photograph reads ‘The Travelling Recruiting Office, taken outside the Mansion House, May 7, 1915 – the day of the departure of the Guards’ Band from Ireland at the close of a successful recruiting tour. On the platform of the Recruiting Office are the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor of Dublin, the High Sheriff, Mr. Henry McLaughlin, and Sir Maurice Dockrell, D.L. The group on the steps include Capt. the Hon. Alexander and Lieutenant Purcell of the Guards; Lieutenant Archer Redmond MP; Sir Neville Chamberlain, Colonel Edgeworth Johnson, and several members of the Central Recruiting Council’. (Volume page 200).

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