Documento 3 - Newspaper Cuttings Book

Irish Dancing Prizewinners, Father Mathew Feis, Dublin Irish Dancing Prizewinners, Father Mathew Feis, Dublin
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Código de referência

IE CA HA/1/8/1/3


Newspaper Cuttings Book


  • c.1933-1938 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

80 pp; 36 cm x 26 cm; Bound volume; Manuscript and newspaper clipping

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História do arquivo

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Book of newspaper cuttings relating to the Father Mathew Feis in Dublin. Annotations on the top of each page supply the name of the newspaper and (for later inserts) the date of the newspaper clipping. Includes clippings from the 'Irish Independent', 'Daily Mail', and 'Irish Times'. The clippings mainly relate to competitions and records of prize winners at the Feis. Some clippings relate to the history of the Feis and its connection with the Gaelic League and the National Revival. Biographies of various Capuchin friars involved with the Feis are also included (Fr. Michael O’Shea OFM Cap. and Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap.). A manuscript annotation on the second to last page notes the ‘entries for Feis, 1938: Irish Dancing, 1,095; Others, 713; Total, 1,808’. Inserts include a typescript timetable for the Feis an Athar Maitiú, 1937, signed by Fr. Michael O’Shea OFM Cap., President.

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Instrumentos de descrição

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

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Descrições relacionadas


The digital image above shows Fr. Michael O’Shea OFM Cap. (1892-1958) presenting 'The Capuchin Annual' Cup to 'Mrs Boylan, who received it on behalf of the O'Connell Plainsongsters, winners of the Senior Male Voice competitions at the Father Mathew Feis, Dublin'. ('Irish Press', 4 May 1935).

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