File 11 - Letters from Gertrude Parry to Fr. Senan Moynihan

Open original Digital object

Reference code

IE CA CP/3/6/11


Letters from Gertrude Parry to Fr. Senan Moynihan


  • c.1942 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

2 items; Manuscript

Name of creator

(24 November 1900-26 July 1970)

Archival history

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Scope and content

Letters to Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap. from Gertrude Parry, Rockport, Cushendun, County Antrim, re the life of her cousin Roger Casement. She thanks Moynihan for sending copies of the ‘beautiful and artistic Capuchin Annual’. She adds ‘I was so glad to read the articles about my beloved cousin, Roger Casement. There are two slight errors. His birthday was Sept. 1st not 15th Sept. and his eyes were grey not brown, real Irish eyes’. The other letter (dated 16 October) provides a long biographical account of Casement’s life and career (23 pp). An extract of the text reads: ‘He [Casement] left Ireland in 1914 (June) to collect funds in America for the arming of the Volunteers. Whilst he was there the war broke out. This put a stop to his activities over the Volunteers and he then turned his thoughts to trying to keep Ireland out of the war. He realised that the quarrel with Germany did not concern Ireland and in joining in it, she would only be sacrificing the flower of her young men to fight England’s cause’. The file includes a cover annotated by Fr. Senan. It reads ‘Notes on Roger Casement by Mrs Parry’.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Conditions governing access

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

    Script of material

      Language and script notes

      Physical characteristics and technical requirements

      A portion of one of the letters with Gertrude Parry’s signature is detached.

      Finding aids

      Existence and location of originals

      Existence and location of copies

      Related units of description


      Gertrude Parry (Roger Casement’s cousin and executor) was a close friend of Eva Gore Booth (1870-1923). Parry visited Casement in Pentonville Prison before his execution.

      Alternative identifier(s)

      Subject access points

      Place access points

      Name access points

      Genre access points

      Description identifier

      Institution identifier

      Rules and/or conventions used


      Level of detail

      Dates of creation revision deletion




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