Parte 10 - John Redmond inspecting the Leinster Regiment from ‘A retrospect’ by Michael J. Lennon

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John Redmond inspecting the Leinster Regiment from ‘A retrospect’ by Michael J. Lennon


  • c.1916 (Produção)

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1 p.; printed

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(24 November 1900-26 July 1970)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

An image of John Redmond, the leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, inspecting soldiers of the Leinster Regiment at Kynoch’s munitions factory in Arklow, County Wicklow. The photograph was published in an article by Michael. J. Lennon titled ‘A retrospect’ published in an edition of ‘Banba’, a monthly magazine published by the Gael Publishing & Trading Society in Dublin. The date of the ‘Banba’ issue is not given in the volume. The photograph was captioned ‘Mr. J. Redmond, MP., inspecting soldiers of the Leinster Regiment at Kynoch’s, Arklow’. Kynoch’s factory was one of the largest munitions manufacturing facilities in either Britain or Ireland and it played an important role in producing armaments during the First World War. Nearly 5,000 men and women were employed in the factory during the Great War.

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