Código de referencia
IE SSJCH IE/SJCH/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/2025-02-04/1839/2025-02-04/1842
To Richard Ryan
- 28-08-1955 (Creación)
Nivel de descripción
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Volumen y soporte
One A4
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Alcance y contenido
My dear Mr. Ryan,
St. Joseph of Chambery?
Will you kindly look after still another Congregation :
private Nursing Home and have been in touch with Mr. Michael O'Brien and Mr.
These Sisters propose to purchase _Edenmore, Raheny, for a
Alfred Jones.
into touch with you. He has examined the position very carefully,
I think that the shortest way would be to have Mr. O'Brien get
With grateful regards,
I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
4 John C. McQuaid.
28th August, 1955.
Richard Ryan, Esq.,