Documento 1 - Testimonials for Father Mathew

Código de referência

IE CA FM RES/4/7/1


Testimonials for Father Mathew


  • c.1927-1938 (Produção)

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57 pp; Typescript

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Testimonials for Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC in relation to his claim of 'fama sanctitatis' (a cleric with a reputation for holiness). It appears that the testimonials were compiled in 1937-8. The file includes:
• Statement re a resolution of the Provincial Chapter of August 1927 which decided ‘to take definite steps regarding the introduction of the Cause of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC, the Apostle of Temperance’.
• Testimony of John Francis Maguire, biographer of Father Mathew.
• Tribute of the Lord Mayor of Cork, John Francis Maguire, at the unveiling of the statue of Father Mathew in the chief street in Cork.
• Tribute of Mr. Thomas Crosbie, editor and proprietor of the chief newspaper in Cork.
• Tribute of Denny Lane, prominent Catholic public man and author.
• Interview with the late Bishop of Cork, the Most Rev. Thomas Alphonsus O’Callaghan OP. The interview was conducted by Fr. Aloysius Travers OFM Cap., Irish Capuchin Minister Provincial, in 1913-4. It reads ‘On the occasion when the Bishop made the statement, he said that as I was interested in Father Mathew it was right he should mention a criticism which he heard about him. Some seemed to think that he [Fr. Mathew] was not sufficiently interested in his Order: on occasion his attention was drawn to some matter affecting the interests of his Province or community, and he was supposed to have made the remark that it was not his concern but Father [Louis] O’Connell’s’.
• Testimony of William Smyth O’Brien.
• Testimony of the Catholic Archdeacon of Cork.
• Extracts from the diary of James McKenna, secretary to Fr. Mathew.
• Extracts from the records of hospitals referring to cures attributed to Fr. Mathew.
• Interview with Denis Dennehy, caretaker of St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Cork, burial-place of Fr. Mathew.
• Sworn statement of Mr. Murphy, 3 Burke’s Avenue, Cork, referring to a cure for her daughter Kathleen, which she attributes to visits to the grave of Fr. Mathew.
• The file also includes a ‘General Statement’ in relation to Fr. Mathew’s reputation as a priest of ‘exceptional holiness and of wonderful zeal and charity’.

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