Item 7 - Rule book of the Father Mathew Sacred Thirst Sodality

Código de referência

IE CA HA/1/1/7


Rule book of the Father Mathew Sacred Thirst Sodality


  • 1892 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

25 pp; 15 cm x 10 cm; Printed

Nome do produtor

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

Rule book of the Sacred Thirst Sodality attached to the Father Mathew Hall, Church Street. The introduction notes that the mission of Father Mathew ‘demands a nobler monument than a “storied urn or animated bust” and to the wide dissemination of his principles, which this Hall, was founded to foster and perpetuate’. The rule book states that the sodality ‘strengthened by united prayer, frequentation of the Sacraments, holds monthly meets in the Church and weekly meetings in the Father Mathew OSFC Memorial Hall, Church Street, Dublin’. An annotation on page 11 affirms that the constitution vesting the Hall and all other property in six trustees was amended in 1926. ‘See Committee Minutes of the Hall’. The rule book was probably prepared by Fr. Columbus Maher OSFC, President. The front cover has an ink drawing of the Hall fronting onto Church Street.

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Línguas e escritas



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