Documento 4 - Report on the Capuchin Temperance Mission

Código de referência

IE CA MR/1/2/1/4


Report on the Capuchin Temperance Mission


  • 7 May 1912 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

2 copies; 27 pp; 32 cm x 20.5 cm; Typescript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Report on the Capuchin Temperance Mission in Ireland compiled by Fr. Thomas Dowling OSFC (1874-1951) , Provincial Minister, in response to a request from the General Minister of the Order in Rome. The report refers to the progress of the temperance crusade in Ireland and includes information on the number of missions preached and total abstinence pledges taken. The report notes that the Capuchins have ‘administered the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion to 1,200 on each Mission. … We have given the pledge to an average of 800 in each Parish and have a record of having administered the Pledge since the beginning of this Crusade to 1,141,191’. (p. 10). It also includes favourable testimonials from the Irish Catholic hierarchy and other prominent figures. The principal headings in the report are as follows:
The Origins and Progress of the Father Mathew Total Abstinence Association
The Pledge
Pastorals on Temperance from the Bishops of Ireland
Testimony of His Eminence Cardinal Logue / Primate of All Ireland
Bishops’ Opinions
Testimony of the Clergy
Leading articles from the 'Freeman’s Journal' / the principal paper in Ireland
Press References
Testimonies from Judges, Public Officials and Lord Mayors

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Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas



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