Código de referência
IE CA CP/1/1/1/7/3
Marino, Dublin
- June 1932 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
Black and white print
Nome do produtor
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência
Âmbito e conteúdo
An aerial view of Marino, a suburb on the north side of Dublin, in June 1932. Visible in the photograph is the O’Brien Institute which was built in the early 1880s as an orphan home and school. The Institute buildings are now used as a training and conference centre for Dublin City Fire Brigade. The print shows large tents pitched on the grounds of the Casino in Marino. The tents may have had some connection with pilgrims attending the International Eucharistic Congress.