Dossier 4 - Letters from Milward, Jones, Mayne and Knapp, solicitors


IE CA HA/1/4/4


Letters from Milward, Jones, Mayne and Knapp, solicitors


  • 12 Nov. 1964-2 July 1968 (Création/Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

6 items; Typescript

Nom du producteur

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Portée et contenu

Letters to Fr. Gilbert Bermingham OFM Cap., President, and Fr. Virgilus Murtagh OFM Cap. from Milward, Jones, Mayne and Knapp, solicitors, 6 Dawson Street, Dublin, concerning negotiations with the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for the sale of Father Mathew Hall by the trustees to the Capuchin Order, for £7,000. Gerard O’Rourke wrote to Fr. Gilbert on 12 Nov. 1964 to explain that the ‘Commissioners would not agree to the purchase price of the Hall being used for the reconstruction of the Hall because the Hall would then belong to the Capuchin Order and would cease to be taken as a memorial to Fr. Mathew’. An order from the Courts directing that the assets of the trust be transferred to the Capuchin Order is referred to in a letter 2 July 1968.

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