Parte 8 - Laying the Foundation Stone of the Church of Saint Anne, Shankill, County Dublin

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Laying the Foundation Stone of the Church of Saint Anne, Shankill, County Dublin


  • 27 July 1931 (Produção)

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Black and white print

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An image of Edward Byrne, Archbishop of Dublin, blessing the foundation stone for the Church of Saint Anne in Shankill in County Dublin. A typescript annotation on the reverse of the print reads: 'Laying the foundation stone of new Dublin church / 27 July 1931 / The Archbishop of Dublin yesterday blessed and laid the foundation stone for the new Church of St. Anne at Shankill, Dublin / The Archbishop of Dublin praying at the foot of the cross surrounded by a huge congregation'. The photograph is credited to Keystone View Company, 12 Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, London.

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