1968 History of Welsh and Irish Mission
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- 1968
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
History of the Welsh and Irish Mission, with a background history of both countries as an introduction.
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1968 History of Welsh and Irish Mission
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
History of the Welsh and Irish Mission, with a background history of both countries as an introduction.
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Dear Reverend Mother,
I have pleasure in sanctioning, in so far as it
pertains to me, your proposal to borrow 40,000 for an extension to
your Nursing Home at Edenmore. Raheny.
I remain.
Yours sincerely,
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Your Grace my dear Archbishop
Yesterday I had a very pleasant
isit with S. Paul who had retuned
grom a holiday She was most
helpful and enlightening. While
there she called in Mr. Fanhan who
was very interested, too, He is ar-
ronging an interview with Master
O Hanlon for some day early newt week
I am degly grateful to you, your
Grace, for being so kind to me in
making it possible for me to meet
such wonderful people
On leaving the hospital a Dr. Kidney
offered to take me into town and
ven he wss keenly interested that I
could not but feel I was caught in
a circle of very interested and help-
ful friends. Over all these incidences
I see a loving Heavenly Father caring for
me through you and I am appreciative
even though so unworthy
The Superior Mother Alice Mary well ar-
rive at Shannon G.W. July 9th and after
a few days at Rockwell we hope to take
up our abode at the Gate lodge,- our
heard yesterday, too that our own Arch-
bishop of Hartford Connecticut expecti
to stop in Dublin around. July 19
or 20. He will with his companion
Monsignor Lacey, pay us a visit and
see the proposed Nursing Home They
can take back first hand information
of what is being done, and I know
the Sisters of our American Province
will be so pleased.
With renewed thanks for your kindness
in allowing me the recent interview
and assuring you that each day you
and your deceased Helen are prayerfully
remembered I humbly ask your
prayers and blessing, my dear Archbishop
Most respectfully in M
Your grateful obedeent child
Sister Mary de Pazzi
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
June 9 1953
Most Rev. Dr. J.C. Mc Quaid
rchbishop's House
Drumcondra Dublin
Your Grace my dear Archbishop
This letter carries a word, of welcome
and of gratitude; of welcome after your
long arduous but soul uplifting visit
to Australia. of thanks for your kindness
in receiving the permission to recruit
again in your Diocese.
It would be a keen pleasure to have
an interview with you, Your Grace-
to express personally my appreciation,
as also to tell of my recent visit of five
months duration in the East. However
I realize after your long weeks away
much more important demands will
claim your precious time.
Your words on my first visit were a
source of real encouragement Your
Grace. You told me then when you
gave me the permission that I
should not expect great results the
first year but as the girls learned to
know our Congregation better postulants
would come, So it is proving! This
year, there are nine who hope to
enter either on July 16th or September 8
Our Lady, Her Spouse the Holy Spirit
and her Heavenly Choirs have not failed
You will my dear Archbishop, pray
for our Missions, especially India and
Pakistan. I feel our Lady has special
designs on the latter. Their flag floats
two symbols of her, the Crescent and
the Star. Their Koran devotes forty
Verses to her. A former Princess of
their left her name in the Place our
Lady appeared at Portugal, Is it
not extraordinary?
Ionly hope that someday we shall
obtain a house in Ireland from-
where, Sisters will go to aid
in the great work of our Lady-
winning the Moslims to her
Son Many know much of the
Missions of Africa and China but
I find only a small number
familiar with spiritual needs of
the timing millions in Ihdia
and Pakistan.
If between now and the middle of July
there is the possibility of your grant
ing me an interiew, I would be
so happy to be remembered. I
hope to join Rev. Mother General in
Denmark before returning to Rome
This morning I thanked our Lady and
her Angels for your safe journey and
assure, you, my dear Archbishop that
you are daily remembered in the prayers of
Agrateful Sister ofSt. Joseph
Sister Mary de Pazzi
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Feast of our Lady, Queen of Arave
Your Grace my dear Archbishop
Ayear ago to night I wrote to you, thanking
you for he permission of visiting the schools
in your Diocese asking you for an inter-
view and assuring you of my prayers Do
you remember it! So many things of such
lovely significance have emanated from that
request, that I think I shall always write
to you on its anniversary! Profound grat-
itude prompts me, your Grace.
Let me thank you for the renewal of the
permission so kindly given, of visiting the
schools while I reiterate that you are daily
in my prayers, your Grace
I am very happy that Rockwell is prac-
tically settled and that our Sisters will G.H.
be able to go there in Mid- August There may
bee a delay in the arrival of the nurse until
he Sisters for Edenmore can come
I am enclosing the recent letter of Mr. O Brien
in case you have not heard from him. The date
for the settlement has been set and this is a
move forward, But it is a bit disheartening
to think that after the settlement another six
months will elapse before we can call
Edenmore our own. Fiat. I am trying to
accept this as best for us since Our Lord
seems to want it that way. It does how-
ever leave me with the question of what to
do next
Your Grace I would love to see you but I
hate to trouble you, when I know you have so
Many and much more important problems
weighing on you. You must be tired and weary.
Our Lady, Queen of the Universe did much for
me on her first Feast and I am confident that in
answer to her beloved Spouses pleas she will
do even greater things for me this year. When
St. Joseph appeals to her he is irresistible I
confide my desires for you my dear Archbishop
to him while I humbly ask you to bless me
who remains
Most respectfully
Your grateful devoted child in M
Sister Mary de Pazzi
Accept my respectful and best wishes
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
Your Grace, my dear Archbishop,
With the approach of st. Josephs
cast. day I cannot resist writing to
thank you for your kindness in al-
lowing us to work in your great Arch-
diocese and now giving the initial
blessing to what will be destined as
a home for our Divine Lord and the
Sisters.. My heart is filled with a
humble and joyous gratitude.
is a dream of seven years realized.
God wanted it, since you gave the
permission, your Grace St. Joseph
has a particular care of it, I have no
oulet May he enable his daughters
to further the reign of Jesus, his son
through their devotion to Him in
His sick and suffering members
In spirit and in prayer I shall
be present on the 19th. and trust
to be in Dublin for the Blessing
on May 1st. You can present
she? It will be at the beginning of her month
With this joy came the news of dear
Sister Bernadettes serious condition
Fiat. It grieves me that I cannot
suffer for her I hope her patroness, dear
little Bernadette of the Apparitions wil
obtain great graces for her and if it
is Gods Will her complete cure. I
know you will pray for her your
Every day you are faithfully re-
membered in my grateful and filial
prayers and especially during this
month dedicates to our Patron
and Father. Surely he has some
special favors for you who have
been kindness itself to me, and
to our Congregation
My own personal needs urge me
to humbly beg your prayers and
blessings while I remain, your
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
His Grace Most Reverend Dr. J. C. McQuaid,
Archbishop of Dublin,
The Palace,
My Lord Archbishop,
As I promised you on the telephone I send you herewith a
set of the Working Drawings of "Edenmore", Raheny.
me first three plans in the set show the ground, first
and second floors as they exist at present.
A Bill of Quantities is being prepared at present by
Mr. Aldan Whelan, Quantity Surveyor, and we expect to have tenders
In before the Builders go on holidays.
I am pleased to now that the Reverend Mother General will be
In Dublin shortly, and if possible I will meet her next week to
discuss the matter with her.
We are,
Architects - Jones and Kelly - Edenmore plan
Part of Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
His Grace Most Reverend Dr. J. C. McQuaid,
Archbishop of Dublin,
Archblshop's House,
My Lord Archbishop,
I have received your kind letter of the I8th February
regarding the "Edenmore" plans. I am particularly pleased
that you Iike them.
We gave the planning a great deal of consideration and
thought and we think that Mother de Pazzi is well satisfied
wlth the planning arrangements
We wroté to her on the 23rd January to Rome and recommended
Mr. Cooney as Builder for the work. Mr. Cooney is building the
New Hall at Sherrard Street and he is giving us great satisfaction.
I thank you for your kind wishes which I heartily reciprocate.
Yours respectfully,
Jones & Kelly.
Alfred E. Jones
19th February, 1957.