Item AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/9 - A word of welcome

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IE SSJCH IE/SJCH/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/2024-12-19/1781/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/9


A word of welcome


  • 09-06-1953 (Creation)

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Four A5 pages

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June 9 1953
Most Rev. Dr. J.C. Mc Quaid
rchbishop's House
Drumcondra Dublin
Your Grace my dear Archbishop
This letter carries a word, of welcome
and of gratitude; of welcome after your
long arduous but soul uplifting visit
to Australia. of thanks for your kindness
in receiving the permission to recruit
again in your Diocese.
It would be a keen pleasure to have
an interview with you, Your Grace-
to express personally my appreciation,
as also to tell of my recent visit of five
months duration in the East. However
I realize after your long weeks away
much more important demands will
claim your precious time.
Your words on my first visit were a
source of real encouragement Your
Grace. You told me then when you
gave me the permission that I
should not expect great results the
first year but as the girls learned to
know our Congregation better postulants
would come, So it is proving! This
year, there are nine who hope to
enter either on July 16th or September 8
Our Lady, Her Spouse the Holy Spirit
and her Heavenly Choirs have not failed
You will my dear Archbishop, pray
for our Missions, especially India and
Pakistan. I feel our Lady has special
designs on the latter. Their flag floats
two symbols of her, the Crescent and
the Star. Their Koran devotes forty
Verses to her. A former Princess of
their left her name in the Place our
Lady appeared at Portugal, Is it
not extraordinary?
Ionly hope that someday we shall
obtain a house in Ireland from-
where, Sisters will go to aid
in the great work of our Lady-
winning the Moslims to her
Son Many know much of the
Missions of Africa and China but
I find only a small number
familiar with spiritual needs of
the timing millions in Ihdia
and Pakistan.
If between now and the middle of July
there is the possibility of your grant
ing me an interiew, I would be
so happy to be remembered. I
hope to join Rev. Mother General in
Denmark before returning to Rome
This morning I thanked our Lady and
her Angels for your safe journey and
assure, you, my dear Archbishop that
you are daily remembered in the prayers of
Agrateful Sister ofSt. Joseph
Sister Mary de Pazzi

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