Item AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/1 - Here until Monday

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IE SSJCH IE/SJCH/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/2024-12-19/1781/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/1


Here until Monday


  • 08-08-1951 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

2 A5 pages

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Âmbito e conteúdo


Co. Dublin
Aug. 8.
Very Rev. John C. Mc. Quaid
Your Grace
I am here until Monday
at the suggestion of my own
Rev. Mother General who is an
would to see what possibilities
there are, if any for our
humble Congregation to recruit
postulants to secure some
small work in Ireland and
to obtain a house here
We are the Sisters of Chambery
a branch of the Congregation
of St. Joseph with our General
House in Rome
Father Daniel Murphy C.S. Sp and
Rt. Rev. Donal Herlihy of the Irish
College in Rome know me quite
Apart from the business end
of my errand I would consider
a privilege and a pleasure
to be permitted a short inter -
view. However, I realize what
a crowded program is that
of one in your position, your
Grace and will await your
kind consideration
With every good wish for your
spiritual and physical wel-
fare I remain
Devotedly yours in J.
Mother Mary de Pazzi

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