Parte 4 - Donore Avenue, Dublin

Open original Objeto digital

Código de referencia

IE CA CP/1/1/3/8/4


Donore Avenue, Dublin


  • c.1950 (Creación)

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Black and white print

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Alcance y contenido

A view of a large townhouse on Donore Avenue in Dublin in about 1950. An annotation on the reverse of the print reads 'A House Formerly at Donore Avenue, South Circular Road, Dublin'. The bell tower just visible in the background of the image is the church of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus built in 1924.

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Following a social media post, the house has now been identified as ‘Brooklawn’, a dwelling connected with the Fairbrother family who were of French Huguenot descent and involved in the weaving industry in Dublin’s Liberties. Subsequent occupiers of ‘Brooklawn’ seem to have included the Day family. A Dr Day was chief medical officer at the nearby Cork Street Fever Hospital. The townhouse was seemingly demolished to make way for St Teresa’s Gardens, a Dublin Corporation flats’ development constructed in the early 1950s. An additional image of ‘Brooklawn’ is held in the lantern slide collection of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (RSAI). See

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