Documento 1 - D.F. Giltinan and the Father Mathew Centenary Committee

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D.F. Giltinan and the Father Mathew Centenary Committee


  • 1885-1893 (Produção)

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44 pp; Manuscript and printed

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D.F. Giltinan was honorary secretary of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee and was also secretary to the Lord Mayor of Cork. The file includes:
• Letter from John O’Sullivan, St. Patrick’s Catholic Total Abstinence League, to D.F. Giltinan re his valuable services in the cause of total abstinence in Cork. 30 Nov. 1887.
• Invitation cards to D.F. Giltinan to the National Celebration of the Centenary of Father Mathew in Cork on 9-15 October 1890. Includes invitations to the centennial oration given by Sir John Pope Hennessy (1834-1891) and religious ceremonies in Holy Trinity Church in Cork. Printed and manuscript, 5 pp.
• Letter from Fr. Paul Neary OSFC to D.F. Giltinan re a gift of a small case of relics as a mark of gratitude for his services in connection with the Fr. Mathew centenary celebrations. 6 Oct. 1891.
• Notes for a speech given by D.F. Giltinan at a meeting of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee.
• Notice to D.F. Giltinan from Fr. Paul Neary OSFC re the final meeting of the Father Mathew Centenary Committee on 18 Oct. 1891.
• Letters from D.F. Giltinan to Henry McConnell, 42 Great Brunswick Street, Dublin, re an unpaid bill of quantities in connection with the completion of the Father Mathew Memorial (Holy Trinity) Church, Cork. 25 Mar. 1893-18 Aug. 1893.
• The file also includes a cover letter from Nora Giltinan referring to an enclosed poem written by her deceased brother ‘which may be of use for the columns of the “Father Mathew Record”’. 17 July 1931.

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