Código de referencia
IE SSJCH IE/SJCH/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/2024-12-19/1781/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/7
Arrived on Wednesday
- 24-04-1953 (Creación)
Nivel de descripción
Unidad documental simple
Volumen y soporte
One A4
Nombre del productor
(1939- present)
Institución archivística
Historia archivística
Origen del ingreso o transferencia
Alcance y contenido
Please forward
Copy of
proposed advertisement
ooterstown Dublin
April 24. 1953
My dear Father Mangan
I arrived on Wednesday morn
ing and hope that I can com-
mence my work of recruitment
in the schools this coming
Monday God willing
You have received the
guarantee that you requested
with the signatures appended
did you not Itrust all is
in order. However I am here
with Meother Marys sisters of there
is anything further necessary.
May I kindly ask your prayers and
blessing on the work. intrusted to me, please
Most respestfully J.
Mother Mary de Pazzi