Código de referência
- c01-01-1955 (Produção)
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Dimensão e suporte
Two A4 pages
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Feast of our Lady, Queen of Arave
Your Grace my dear Archbishop
Ayear ago to night I wrote to you, thanking
you for he permission of visiting the schools
in your Diocese asking you for an inter-
view and assuring you of my prayers Do
you remember it! So many things of such
lovely significance have emanated from that
request, that I think I shall always write
to you on its anniversary! Profound grat-
itude prompts me, your Grace.
Let me thank you for the renewal of the
permission so kindly given, of visiting the
schools while I reiterate that you are daily
in my prayers, your Grace
I am very happy that Rockwell is prac-
tically settled and that our Sisters will G.H.
be able to go there in Mid- August There may
bee a delay in the arrival of the nurse until
he Sisters for Edenmore can come
I am enclosing the recent letter of Mr. O Brien
in case you have not heard from him. The date
for the settlement has been set and this is a
move forward, But it is a bit disheartening
to think that after the settlement another six
months will elapse before we can call
Edenmore our own. Fiat. I am trying to
accept this as best for us since Our Lord
seems to want it that way. It does how-
ever leave me with the question of what to
do next
Your Grace I would love to see you but I
hate to trouble you, when I know you have so
Many and much more important problems
weighing on you. You must be tired and weary.
Our Lady, Queen of the Universe did much for
me on her first Feast and I am confident that in
answer to her beloved Spouses pleas she will
do even greater things for me this year. When
St. Joseph appeals to her he is irresistible I
confide my desires for you my dear Archbishop
to him while I humbly ask you to bless me
who remains
Most respectfully
Your grateful devoted child in M
Sister Mary de Pazzi