Item 2025-02-03/1823 - A very pleasant visit

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IE SSJCH IE/SJCH/AB/8/b/XLVI/97/1-2/2024-12-19/1781/2025-02-03/1823


A very pleasant visit


  • 21-06-1957 (Produção)

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Two A4

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Your Grace my dear Archbishop
Yesterday I had a very pleasant
isit with S. Paul who had retuned
grom a holiday She was most
helpful and enlightening. While
there she called in Mr. Fanhan who
was very interested, too, He is ar-
ronging an interview with Master
O Hanlon for some day early newt week
I am degly grateful to you, your
Grace, for being so kind to me in
making it possible for me to meet
such wonderful people
On leaving the hospital a Dr. Kidney
offered to take me into town and
ven he wss keenly interested that I
could not but feel I was caught in
a circle of very interested and help-
ful friends. Over all these incidences
I see a loving Heavenly Father caring for
me through you and I am appreciative
even though so unworthy
The Superior Mother Alice Mary well ar-
rive at Shannon G.W. July 9th and after
a few days at Rockwell we hope to take
up our abode at the Gate lodge,- our
heard yesterday, too that our own Arch-
bishop of Hartford Connecticut expecti
to stop in Dublin around. July 19
or 20. He will with his companion
Monsignor Lacey, pay us a visit and
see the proposed Nursing Home They
can take back first hand information
of what is being done, and I know
the Sisters of our American Province
will be so pleased.
With renewed thanks for your kindness
in allowing me the recent interview
and assuring you that each day you
and your deceased Helen are prayerfully
remembered I humbly ask your
prayers and blessing, my dear Archbishop
Most respectfully in M
Your grateful obedeent child
Sister Mary de Pazzi

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