Item 9 - Yesterday the RIC were Irishmen who took guns and orders from England: to-day Free-State soldiers are Irishmen who take guns and orders from England

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IE CA IR-1/7/3/9


Yesterday the RIC were Irishmen who took guns and orders from England: to-day Free-State soldiers are Irishmen who take guns and orders from England


  • c.1922 (Produção)

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1 p.; Printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

An Anti-Treaty handbill (black type on buff coloured paper). Text on recto reads: (on left-hand side) ‘“Yesterday the RIC were Irishmen who took (includes image of a hand pointing to the following line in bold type in centre of handbill) "Guns and Orders from England". (On right-hand side) "To-day Free-State soldiers are Irishmen who take (includes another image of a hand pointing to the same line in bold type in centre of handbill) "Guns and Orders from England / in order to / Shoot down Republican Soldiers / Destroy Republican Printing Presses / Raid the homes of Irish Republicans / Fire on Irish Prisoners in the Jails / Fill the Jails with Irish Volunteers / Wage economic war on the Dependants / of the Irish Republicans. / You did not Join the Irish Volunteers for this. / (in larger font and bold type) Don't be any longer Blind. The Men against you are Fighting without / Pay for the Old Cause which/ will NEVER DIE”’.

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