Documento 33 - The Student / a magazine of national & university affairs

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Código de referência

IE CA IR-1/8/1/33


The Student / a magazine of national & university affairs


  • 27 Nov. 1918-10 Dec. 1918 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

4 items; Newspaper

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Âmbito e conteúdo

The file contains the following editions of this newspaper produced by the National Students’ Club, Cork: 27 Nov. 1918; 30 Nov. 1918; 7 Dec. 1918; 10 Dec. 1918. The articles are chiefly in English, with some in Irish. The paper was printed for the proprietors by Gaelic Publishers, 96 Patrick Street, Cork. In November and December 1918 'The Student' was published twice weekly because of the general election cf. issue for 27 Nov. 1918. Parallel title at head: 'Macléighinn'.

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The image shows excerpts from ‘An Macléighinn / The Student / a magazine of national & university affairs’, a Sinn Féin newsletter from 10 December 1918. The paper was printed by the Gaelic Publishers on Patrick Street in Cork with the aim of drumming up support for Sinn Féin in the city in advance of the election.


The ink-stamp in the top right-hand corner refers to the 'Fountain Book Shop' which was opened in early 1916 by Irish Volunteer and Gaelic League activist Liam Ruiséal.

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