Documento 11 - Research on the Temperance Association

Código de referência

IE CA FM RES/4/4/11


Research on the Temperance Association


  • c.1977-1993 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

158 pp; Typescript, newspaper cutting and printed

Nome do produtor

(18 May 1915-13 July 1997)

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

• An article by Fr. Nessan titled ‘Notes on intemperance in Ireland (1838-1850) / Synopsis’. Typescript, 40 pp.
• Photocopy of an article by Ignatius Murphy, ‘Father Mathew / Apostle of Temperance, in South-West Clare’, 'The Other Clare', Vol. 9 (Apr. 1985), pp 5-12.
• Photocopy of an article by Colm Kerrigan titled ‘Father Mathew in Limerick’, 'North Munster Antiquarian Journal', xxvii (1985), pp 62-9.
• Cutting of an article by Fr. Patrick Hickey titled ‘Faction fighters and temperance men’, 'Cork Examiner', 15 Oct. 1988.
• Cutting of an article by Fr. Nessan titled ‘When Cork sowed the seeds of a temperance revolution’, 'Evening Echo', 9 Apr. 1977. With draft typescript copy of the article. Typescript and cutting, 6 pp.
• Copy cutting from the 'Cork Examiner' of an article titled ‘Origin of the Cork Temperance Association Society by one who took part in the formation’. Fr. Nessan remarks that this interview was published before 1890. Copy cutting, 6 pp.
• Photocopy of an article by Colm Kerrigan, ‘Father Mathew in Ardmore’, 'The Ardmore Journal' (c.1982), pp 22-3.
• Photocopy of an article by Colm Kerrigan, ‘The social impact of the Irish Temperance Movement, 1839-1845’, 'Irish Economic and Social History', XIV (1987), pp 20-38.
• Letter from Professor John Quinn to Fr. Pádraig Ó Cuill OFM Cap. enclosing a copy of his review of Colm Kerrigan’s 'Father Mathew and the Irish Temperance Movement', 1838-1849 (Cork University Press, 1992) in the 'Catholic Historical Review'. The letter is dated 20 Sept. 1993. Typescript, 5 pp.
• Photocopy of an article by Professor John Quinn, ‘“The Nation’s Guest?”: The battle between Catholics and Abolitionists to manage Father Mathew’s American Tour, 1849-1851’, 'United States Catholic Historian', Vo. 22, No. 3, Ireland and America: Religion, Politics and Social Movements (Summer 2004), pp 19-40.
• Photocopy of an extract from article by Ignatius Murphy on the ‘Ennis Temperance Society, 1835-1839’, pp 88-100. Copy printed, 2 pp.
• Notes and articles by Fr. Nessan giving a ‘general and brief account of the Cork Total Abstinence Society from 1838’. Typescript, 42 pp.
• Cutting of an article by Fr. Nessan titled ‘Some forgotten aspects of Father Mathew’s temperance crusade’, 'Evening Echo', 8 Apr. 1982. With draft typescript of the article. Typescript and cuttings, 15 pp.

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