Item 2 - Printed circular letter by George Noble Plunkett stating his political standpoint in the aftermath of his victory in the North Roscommon by-election

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Código de referência

IE CA IR-1/7/2/2


Printed circular letter by George Noble Plunkett stating his political standpoint in the aftermath of his victory in the North Roscommon by-election


  • 17 Mar. 1917 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 p.; Printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

In the circular Plunkett promoted Sinn Féin’s strategy and declared that ‘the position of the Irish Party during Easter Week was deplorable. The Leader of the Irish Party [John Redmond] accepted the points of view of the government. He speaks like an Englishman intent on maintaining English supremacy, not as an Irishman who believes that his Nation has the rights common to all nations, and the duty to wrest her liberties from foreign control by every means in her power’.

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