Documento 27 - Particulars and conditions of sale of leasehold interest in houses on North King Street

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IE CA CS/2/2/4/27


Particulars and conditions of sale of leasehold interest in houses on North King Street


  • 30 Oct. 1883-26 Oct. 1885 (Produção)

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20 items; Manuscript and printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Draft and copy particulars and conditions of sale of the leasehold interest in 47-50 North King Street, to be sold at Burke’s Great Rooms, 14 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin. The premises have a net rental profit of £64 1s 6½d. and are held under a lease for 9,000 years bearing the date of 1 July 1862 (See CA CS/2/2/4/13). The biddings note that Walter Murphy purchased the said premises from Fr. Lawrence Gallerani OSFC, Fr. Daniel Patrick. O’Reilly OSFC and Fr. James Edward Tommins OSFC for the sum of £570. With a poster (75 cm x 48 cm, OS printed on blue paper) advertising the said sale. The file also includes various legal documents drawn up to facilitate the sale including a schedule of taxes payable by the vendors on the properties; instructions for counsel regarding settling the conditions of sale; draft declaration from Fr. Daniel Patrick O’Reilly OSFC regarding title to the North King Street properties; Draft and copy assignment by Fr. Lawrence Gallerani OSFC and others to Walter and Daniel Murphy of the aforementioned premises. Nov. 1883; draft solicitor’s’ costs in preparing title and particulars of sale; correspondence of T. & C. Martin, James W. Nagle and Terence O’Reilly, solicitors, regarding efforts to trace title to the North King Street properties.

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