Documento 153 - Map of Galway (c.1651)

Open original Objeto digital

Código de referência

IE CA PH/3/153


Map of Galway (c.1651)


  • c.1930 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Glass Plate Negative; 10.6 cm x 8.2 cm

Nome do produtor

(26 February 1875-20 August 1953)

Entidade detentora

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Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

A file containing ‘Wellington Plates’ box. The box holds four plates showing details from a pictorial map of Galway (c.1651). Two known copies of the original seventeenth century map exist, one in Trinity College Library in Dublin, and the second in the James Hardiman Library in NUI Galway.

The numbered map details include references to the following:

H. This is described on the map as the ‘Residentia Capuchinorum’. It represents a block of buildings on the north side of Great Gate Street in an area now known as Williamsgate Street. It sits under one of the Great Gates of the city (marked as ‘30’). It is most likely the location of the rented house occupied by the Capuchins in 1644 when they left the Collegiate buildings of St. Nicholas.

F. This indicates the altar erected by the Capuchins for public processions along the main thoroughfare running through Galway. The altar was situated at a place now popularly referred to as the ‘The Four Corners’, at one of which is the well-known fourteenth century stone townhouse called Lynch’s Castle (marked as ‘S’).

Number '8' on the map is a reference to a church, a block of buildings and an ornamental garden with walks. It is referred to on the map as ‘Capuchinorum Aedes’. It is situated outside the city walls and stands on the north side of Bohermore – now known as Prospect Hill. It is located near the old Pigeon House (marked as ‘42’). This is most likely the church and friary built by the Capuchins when they vacated their rented house in 1644. The site of this church is now occupied by The Western Hotel.

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Nota de publicação

These plates were acquired by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. for his article on the Capuchins in Galway. This article was published in ‘The Capuchin Annual’ (1935), pp 230-3.


Further contextual information on this seventeenth century map of Galway can be found at


See the interactive digitized copy of this map at

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