Documento 8 - Lease by John Jameson & Sons to Fr. Bernard Jennings and others

Código de referência

IE CA CS/2/2/7/8


Lease by John Jameson & Sons to Fr. Bernard Jennings and others


  • 14 Nov. 1883 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

6 items; Manuscript

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Lease by John Jameson & Sons, distillers, Bow Street, to Fr. Joseph Bernard Jennings OSFC, Fr. Patrick Columbus Maher OSFC and Fr. Joseph Harkins OSFC, Capuchin Convent, Church Street, of a plot and parcel of land situated on the west side of Church Street as delineated in green on an annexed sketch map, for 90 years at the yearly rent of £13 10s. The sketch plan of the demised premises is drawn at a scale of 20 feet to 1 inch. With a similar lease between the said parties relating to a plot of ground on the east side of Bow Street ‘and a piece of ground at the rear thereof extending along the north side of the premises in the possession of John Jameson & Sons’ as delineated in yellow on an annexed sketch map, for 43 years at the yearly rent of 1s. The lease reserves to the lessor and his workmen ‘full and free liberty in case of necessity to open, repair and inspect the sewer extending from the back of the corn kiln of Messrs John Jameson & Sons and …. a right of entry through the entrance gate in Bow Street to the Chapel Yard at all reasonable times’. The file also includes drafts and copies of the said lease agreements and a copy memorandum of equitable deposit from the Capuchin friars to John Jameson & Sons for £103 as security.

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