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Secundus sententiarum doctoris subtilis Scoti

Date: 1490
Author: John Duns Scotus (c.1266-1308); Gratianus Brixianus, ed. (d. 1506)
Publisher: Bernardinus Rizus Novariensis, Venice, 3 Mar. 1490
Full title: 'Secundus sententiarum doctoris subtilis Scoti'.
Language: Latin
Series: This title was issued by Rizo in five parts: 'Quaestiones In quatuor libros sententiarum' (Venice, 1490). The Irish Capuchin Archives has only vol. 2. Vol. I printed July 17; Vol. 2, Mar. 3; Vol. 3, Apr. 21; Vol. 4, Nov. 3; Vol. 5 (Tabula) undated. Vol. 1: 184 [i.e. 185], [1] leaves (the last blank); v. 2: 136 leaves; v. 3: 102 leaves; v. 4: 208 leaves; v. 5 (Tabula): [28] leaves.

Holy Trinity Friary Library

This series includes a collection of rare books which were formerly held in the Library of Holy Trinity Friary, Father Mathew Quay, Cork. They were transferred to the Irish Capuchin Archives in Dublin in 2012. The collection is divided into six sub-series. In all of the sub-series the volumes have been arranged chronologically by date of publication. The series includes works published in Latin, French and English. Most of the volumes are in an extremely poor condition due to exposure for many years to inappropriate environmental storage conditions in the attic and in other locations in Holy Trinity Friary.

Scriptum Oxoniense

Date: 1519
Author: John Duns Scotus (c.1266-1308)
Publisher: [Paris]: Badius Ascensius, 1519. [Paris, venudantur Josse Bade, 1519].
Full title: 'Scriptum Oxoniense doctoris Subtilis Joannis Duns Scoti Ordinis Minoru[m] Super Primu[m] Se[n]te[n]tiaru[m]: pristin[a]e integritati seposit[is] addititijs: restitutu[m]'.
Physical description: [1], clxi [i.e. clxiii]; 97 ff: fig.; 4°; table; The frontispiece is printed in red and black and framed. Initial xil; Printed in two columns; Some marginal annotations (in Latin) to the text; 29 cm x 20 cm

Terentii Afri … Comoediae

Date: 1552
Author: Terence (195/185-159 BC), [var. Publius Terentius Afer]
Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Ioannem de Roigny
Full title: 'P. Terenti Afri poetae lepidissimi, Comœdiæ: Andria, Evnvchvs, Heavtontimorvmenos, Adelphi, Hecyra, Phormio: ex emendatissimis ac fide dignissimis codicibus summa diligentia castigatæ, versibus in suas dimensiones restitutis, ac variis lectionibus in margine appositis ...: omnium quæ in his interpretum commentariis explicantur, index locupletissimus'.
Physical description: Text surrounded by commentary. The commentators are Philipp Melanchthon, Desiderius Erasmus, Antonius Goveanus, Julius Caesar Scaliger, Vittore Fausto, Pietro Bembo, Aelius Donatus, Giovanni Calfurnio, Adriaan van Baerland, Bartholomaeus Latonius, Pietro Marso, Johann Rivius, Etienne Dolet, Henricus Glareanus, Joannes Theodoricus Bellovacensis and Jodocus Willich; numerous small woodcuts, some repeated, within text (R. Brun, 'Le Livre illustré en France au XVIe siècle', p. 310).

Kilkenny Friary Library

This section contains a collection of historical texts which were formerly held in the Library of the Capuchin Friary in Kilkenny. They were transferred to the Irish Capuchin Archives by Fr. Benedict Cullen OFM Cap. in the late 1990s. The collection includes some rare seventeenth century theological works collected by Irish-born friars who were educated in continental seminaries and friaries. Many of these early works include valuable information in the form of annotations, marginalia, and inscriptions. Other volumes include notes and stamps which provide further information about their provenance. Very little is known about the Capuchins in Kilkenny in the eighteenth century, though it must be presumed that, during most of this period, friars were living in the city. It can be said with some degree of certainty that they had a community in Kilkenny in 1757. A volume in this collection bears an annotation on the title page: ‘Ex libris Patris Simonis Eustace, Capucini Conventus Kilkenniensis 1757’. In another volume, he wrote ‘Simon Eustace, Vicar’, and enters the date 1756 (See CA KK/10/14). Aside from theological works touching upon the lives of saints or other aspects of religious devotion, the library also includes books relating to local history and antiquities, medicine, and linguistics. The series includes works published in English, Latin, French, and Dutch. The texts are listed chronologically.

Commentaria in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas

Date: 1614
Author: Fr. Cornelius a Lapide SJ (1567-1637)
Publisher: [Antverpiae (Antwerp), Apud heredes Martini Nutij & Ioannem Meursium, 1614]
Full title: 'Commentaria in omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas'
Possibly part of series: v. 1: Ad Romanos et I. ad Corinthios; v. 2: II. Ad Corinthios, ad Galatas, ad Ephesios, ad Philippenses, ad Colossenses et I. et II. ad Thessalonicenses; v. 3: I. et II. ad Timotheum, ad Titum, ad Philemonem et ad Hebraeos.

Traicté des anges et demons

Date: 1617
Author: R.P. Maldonat, Jesuite, [var. Fr. Juan Maldonado SJ (1533-1583)]
Publisher: A Paris, Chez Jean Corrozet, en la grande Salle du Palais deuant les Consultations, M. DC. XVII [1617].
Full title: 'Traicté des anges et démons du R.P. Maldonat, Jesuite, mis en françois par M. François de La Borie grand Archidacre & Chanoine à Perigueux'

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