Código de referência
- 1700 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
The archive is in the initial stages of assessment and cataloguing. More information will be available over the months of March/April 2020.
Enquiries are nonetheless welcome.
Direct line telephone is +353-61-621046
Nome do produtor
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
The monastery was founded inn 1927.
Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência
Âmbito e conteúdo
Please visit our Archive website at : https://glenstalarchives.ie/
Description of collections:
Non-monastic collection:
Carbery papers, 1658-1759.
Sir Thomas Hackett papers, 1688-1720.
Cloncurry papers, 1880-1909.
Correspondence between Mother Mary Martin and Bede Lebbe, 1930s.
John Sweetman papers, 1911-1923.
Diaries of Richard Hobart (1784-1802), Sir Thomas Kane (1837) and J. Grene Barry (1869-76).
Gaelic League Ard-Craomh minute book, 1907-15.
Monastic collection:
Foundation correspondence.
Legal and administrative documents.
Financial, farm and school records.
Seniorate minute books, 1927-80.
Material relating to congresses, 1952 onwards.
Material relating to the foundation in Nigeria, 1974 onwards.
Private papers of deceased monks.
Avaliação, seleção e eliminação
Sistema de arranjo
Condições de acesso
Certain items are available for public viewing. Please contact the archivist at archives@glenstal.com. Telephone +353-61-621046 (direct line), or +353-61-621000 (monastery reception).
The archive is accessible on average one day a week and by appointment only.
Condiçoes de reprodução
All material, unless otherwise indicated is copyright of Glenstal Abbey. Permission is needed to copy anything from the archive. In addition, the reason for copy must be made clear to the archivist.