Reference code
- 05-05-1935 (Creation)
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Two single sided A4 pages
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Dear Father Prior
I am praying and thinking much
you all, ending up off the great
Jubilee year. how rich in graces are all
these days. I also wonder has Miss O' Rourke
provisioned you all, with her cooking as I
understood from Miss Cleary yesterday that Cook
was going away for this week-end.
As you say I fear Lizzie is not improving
any complaints there were about the food
last time. I now attribute to her carelessness
at times, she evendently needs constant
supervision to keep her up to the standard
required this is what makes it so difficult
for you she is not a character one can
rely on- i many ways she is suitable
can cook well when she wishes so I
think it would be a mistake to make
any change before the beginning of next
school year._ Miss Nugents presence would
Low Sunday 1935.
April 35
probably remove a great deal of your worries
leave you more time for more important matters
Personally I think if she will go down as
suggested in Fr. Kings letter with the idea of
getting in touch with M.M.M. fall in with the
spiritual life of "Marys" daughters doing my work
under obedience to you without in any way
committing herself to M.M.M. or we being
committed to her_ I liked her much, she has
all the natural qualities I lack so much
she knows her own mind + is capable with
a good spirit.
Before taking her on definitely as a
member of M.M.M. I would need to have
full particulars from the Mother Prioress, also
these few months at Glenstal would give
you + Dom David a good idea as to
her suitability for M.M.M. She was
educated by Benedictine Nuns in America
Dom Marmions books are what express
her spiritual outlook. I shall probably
see her again on Tuesday so as to know
her better before coming to a decision when
receive your wishes which are mine.
Now to the compliments I have heard as
you will be weary after all this
forgive me.
Will you please tell Miss O' Rourke
Miss Leydon I await their letters
of Sunday before writing Owing to
circumstances my time has been much
occupied interviewing people
With all good wishes to all the
Monks. united in prayer.
your obedient child for
Sr Mary
regards the food during the last term -
At times the food was not good
2) Did not receive enough especially porridge
at breakfast time.
) They received black + white pudding nearly
every day for breakfast. till lately.
4) the food was excellent up to the last term
but now the general conversation + question asked
is Is it true the food is very bad at
I asked Natron did she hear much
from the boys her answer is as follows
About the food lately- I honestly think.
there was very little to complain about
at any time things were much better
I the kitchen lately Mary + Cook were
at peace. She also says: I am
glad F. Prior seems pleased I see very
little of him but I hope if there is any way
that I could be of further help that he
will tell me I don't like interfering
unless I am asked but I am very happy
interested in Glenstal + would love
to give any + all the help I could_
I think we have a good person in Matron
April 35
manners and general conduct.
a thought struck me the other
day As the numbers are to small
to make a team for Foot. ball or
Hockey would it be possible to
make a small golf. course for the
Now just a word about M.M.M.
you will remember The two paper with
the agreements, could you let me have
the on back on which you have
agreed with the amount you consider
reasonable + just for the members
f M.M. M. to pay for their board and
Lodging till we have our own quarters
for ourselves 21 Also what
decision you have come to over the
holidays + The question of guests.
The reason why I need to know this
at present + is in the accepting of
candidates they will have to be able
to defray some of the expenses during
their years of formation.