Código de referência
IE CA AMI/1/10/2/2/1
Fr. James Kelly's Church, Cape Flats
- c.1930 (Produção)
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Black and white print
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An image titled 'Fr. Kelly’s Church in the heart of the Flats'. An annotation on the reverse of the print reads 'Typical flat country with occasional roads thro it. But he [Fr. Kelly] has very few residents in such a place. He is very old now and I expect we shall be asked to take it later. He has his own house and four mission churches attached – all built by his own parishioners’ hands’.
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Fr. James Kelly (1858-1933) was a Waterford-born Catholic priest and was the founding editor of 'The Southern Cross' newspaper in 1920. For biographical information on Fr. James Kelly see https://www.scross.co.za/2021/12/the-first-editor-of-the-southern-cross/