Item 1 - Flier for the League for the Instruction of Youth and Suppression of Vice

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Código de referência

IE CA CS/5/1/1


Flier for the League for the Instruction of Youth and Suppression of Vice


  • 5 Mar. 1894 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 p.; Printed

Nome do produtor

(4 May 1860-9 November 1927)

História biográfica

Baptismal name: James Guy
Religious name: Fr. Benvenutus Guy OFM Cap.
Date of birth: 4 May 1860
Place of birth: Trim, County Meath
Name of father: Patrick Guy
Name of mother: Bridget Guy (née McMahon)
Ministries: Founded the Church Street Catholic Boys’ Brigade in Dublin March 1894. He also acted as the organisation’s first president. He left the Capuchin Order, moved to England, and was incardinated into the Diocese of Middlesbrough in 1899. He served as a Chaplain to the Forces during the First World War.
Date of death: 9 November 1927
Place of death: Halifax, England

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

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Âmbito e conteúdo

The flier refers to the foundation by Fr. Benvenutus Guy OSFC of St. Joseph’s League which was approved by the Most Rev. William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, and provides details of its government and organisation. Article 6 notes that ‘members [are] to wear a badge to distinguish them from other boys. By the wearing of this badge they are expected to avoid the company of wicked boys, and to do all in their power to crush vice of every kind, especially evil speaking in those with whom they have to come in contact with’.

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