Documento 1 - Documents relating to the 150th Anniversary of Father Mathew’s death

Código de referência

IE CA FM RES/3/7/1


Documents relating to the 150th Anniversary of Father Mathew’s death


  • 2006-2007 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

54 pp; Printed and newspaper clippings

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História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

• Promotional cards for Father Theobald Mathew / The Apostle of Temperance. Includes ‘Prayer for Serenity’ and ‘Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi’. [2006]. 12 copies.
• Promotional flier and programme for a play by Séan McCarthy in the Cork Opera House titled 'Fr. Mathew'. The play was directed by John Breen and opened on 15 January 2007. With a newspaper cutting from the 'Life Times', Sept.-Oct. 2006 referring to the production. Printed 5 pp.
• Newspaper cutting of an article by Charles Lysaght titled ‘Temperance Apostle has much to teach us’, 'Irish Times', 8 Dec. 2006.
• Newspaper cutting of an article by Louise O’Flynn titled ‘Relatives gather to honour Fr. Mathew’, 'Evening Echo', 9 June 2006. Refers to a Mass in Holy Trinity Church to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the death of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC. Some of the collateral descendants of Fr. Mathew attended the Mass. The chief celebrant was Fr. Dermot Lynch OFM Cap., Guardian.
• Newspaper cutting of article by Pat O’Leary titled ‘The Apostle of Temperance’, 'Irish Catholic', 20 July 2006.
• Promotional poster for ‘Father Mathew / Capuchin Friar 1790-1856 / the apostle of temperance’. Displayed at The Oratory, Blanchardstown, Dublin, in 2006. 2 Copies.
• Cutting of an article by Liz Roche titled ‘Life of Fr. Mathew Celebrated’, 'Tipperary Star', 27 May 2006. The article refers to local celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the death of Fr. Mathew.
• Booklet for the Cork Temperance Weekend, 6-8 Oct. 2006 marking the 150th anniversaries of the death of Fr. Theobald Mathew OSFC, and the birth of the Venerable Matt Talbot. Printed, 33 pp.

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