Item 21 - Costs of Terence O’Reilly to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani and others

Código de referência

IE CA CS/2/2/4/21


Costs of Terence O’Reilly to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani and others


  • c.1865 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

46 pp; Manuscript

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Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

Costs of Terence O’Reilly, solicitor, 18 Bachelor’s Walk, Dublin, to Fr. Lawrence Gallerani OSFC and others for the preparation of title deeds, leases and other work associated with the conveyance of properties mainly in the environs of Church Street, North King Street and Bow Street. There are also references to the deeds drawn up for the construction and extension of the site of the new Chapel on Church Street (later St. Mary of the Angels). There are also a number of entries relating to expenses incurred in dealing with personal legal matters. On 16 July 1862, O’Reilly received instructions from Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms, to draw up a petition ‘in order to have Father Gallerani naturalized and … afterwards attending Father Gallerani when he informed me that the Secretary of State refused to grant prayer of petition for 3 years …’. Later, O’Reilly consulted with Fr. Galleraini and was asked to compile a memorial ‘praying for the restoration of premises seized by the King of Sardinia … the same being private property and the buildings thereon having been built by advances by him and his friends’. The costs cover the period from Dec. 1861-Nov. 1865.

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