Parte 16 - Carlow Town

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IE CA CP/1/1/1/7/16


Carlow Town


  • c.1945 (Produção)

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An aerial view of Carlow Town in about 1945. Prominent buildings in the image include (in the foreground) the Cathedral of the Assumption. Work on this Gothic-Revival style building commenced in 1828 and it was completed in 1833. The cathedral’s 151 feet (46 metre) spire is a conspicuous landmark in the town. Adjacent to the cathedral is St. Patrick’s College, a former seminary for the diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, and now a liberal arts and humanities college for lay students. The English-born architect Thomas Alfred Cobden (1794-1842) was responsible for the design of the college’s south wing (1817-1819) and north wing (1821-1835) and later the adjoining cathedral. Near the River Barrow adjoining Wellington Bridge (better known as Graiguecullen Bridge) are the ruins of Carlow Castle.

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