Documento 23 - Bound Volume of Nationalist Pamphlets

Código de referência

IE CA IR-1/7/1/23


Bound Volume of Nationalist Pamphlets


  • 1921 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

259 pp; 24 cm x 15.5 cm; Printed

Nome do produtor

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História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

A soft-bound volume containing the the following pamphlets referring to the Irish Question:
• Report of the Labour commission to Ireland. A pamphlet publishing the findings of British Labour Party-sponsored commission on the Irish troubles. The chairman of the commission was Arthur Henderson, MP (1863-1935). Physical description: iv, 119, [1] pp : illus. (incl. plan, facsims.) ; 25 cm.
• The American Commission on conditions in Ireland: interim report. A pamphlet reporting the findings of an American Commission investigating the Irish troubles. The commission held public hearings in Washington, D.C., on 19-20 November, 9-23 December 1920 and on 13,14,19 and 21 January 1921. The chairman was noted as L. Hollingsworth. Published in London by Harding and Moore in 1921. Physical description: 72 pp.
• Who burnt Cork City? a tale of arson, loot, and murder; the evidence of over seventy witnesses. 1921. A pamphlet published by the Irish Labour Party and Trades Union Congress in January 1921. The work drew upon eye-witness evidence assembled by Seamus Fitzgerald which argued that the fires which had devastated Cork city on the night of 11 December 1920 had been deliberately set by British forces. Members of the fire service testified that their attempts to contain the blaze were hampered by soldiers who fired on them and cut their hoses with bayonets. Physical description: 68 p. illus.

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