Documento 32 - Anti-Treaty Political Cartoons

The branded arm of James O’Reilly
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Código de referência

IE CA IR-1/7/3/32


Anti-Treaty Political Cartoons


  • 1922 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


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3 items; Printed

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Cartoons attributed to Constance de Markievicz (1868-1927).
• A figure of Hibernia with arms behind her back and chained. Michael Collins (1890-1922), holds a gun to her head. Behind Michael Collins are a bishop and William Thomas Cosgrave, (1880-1965). In front of Hibernia and carrying a piece of paper with the words ‘Propaganda D.F.’, is Desmond Fitzgerald, (1889-1947). The caption reads: Carey Collins - Go down on your b------ knees without any more d-----d fuss swear allegiance to King George and his heirs. : Faker Fitzgerald - Don't listen to Devalera [sic]. I could tell you a lot about great great grandmother and Spanish gold. : The Bishop - Take any other oath that will get you out of your difficulties. : Comic Cosgrave - It was an awful joke talking about freedom, you know.
• The branded arm of James O’Reilly Sketched from life by C de M. View of an arm with the sleeve rolled up to expose branded marks. According to the printed statement on the accompanying page, Stephen Gorman aka James O’Reilly of Ballyblia, Ardee, County Louth, was arrested on 11 September 1922 while travelling on a weekend visit to Drogheda. He was arrested on suspicion that he had taken part in a republican demonstration in Ardee. He was then branded.
Notes: Title printed. Watermarks visible.
Physical description: 1 stencil print: roneo; 32.6 x 19.3 cm. (2 copies).

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