Item 1 - Specification for Third Order Chapel

Código de referência

IE CA CS/2/6/2/1


Specification for Third Order Chapel


  • 1 June 1889 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

27 pp; Manuscript

Nome do produtor

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Âmbito e conteúdo

Specification by Charles J. McCarthy, architect, 12 Westland Road, Dublin, ‘of works to be done in building the Chapel of the Third Order of the Capuchin Franciscans at Church Street, Dublin’. The specification outlines the legally binding aspects of the contract for the work and the processes, methods, and materials to be employed in the construction. See also CA CS/2/5/10.

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Charles James McCarthy (1858-1947) was the only son of James Joseph McCarthy, the architect of St. Mary of the Angels. He received his professional training in his father’s office at 183 Great Brunswick Street, moving with him to new premises at 12 Westland Row in 1881. Following his father’s death in February 1882, he inherited the practice, which was primarily engaged in church building design. The Third Order Chapel (measuring 26 feet by 70 feet) was completed in about 1892 and was built at right angles to St. Mary of the Angels. Further biographical information on Charles James McCarthy can be found at

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