Código de referência
IE IE/GLA IE/GLA/2022-01-17/248/2022-01-17/249/2023-06-07/615/2023-06-07/617
Permission to use thurifer - Sacred congregation of Rites
- 1928 - 1941 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
Three pages, A4, typed
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Permission from the Sacred Congregation of Rites to use a thurifer in the absence of a deacon and sub-deacon. The thurifer is a object used in the liturgy to incense. It normally required a deacon to be present to help the principal celebrant.
In this case a brother would have assisted. Many of the priests may have been absent saying Masses in parishes.
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Idioma do material
- latim