Código de referência
IE CA IR-1/1/5/2/2
Memorial cards
- 1918-1920 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
6 items; Printed
Nome do produtor
(24 October 1877-14 February 1925)
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência
Âmbito e conteúdo
Kevin Barry, IRA. ‘Died for Ireland in Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, on Monday, Nov. 1st 1920’. Coloured, with photographic print.
Michael Murphy, Boherard, Carrignavar, died 21 June 1917.
Terence McSwiney, ‘Lord Mayor of Cork, Died for Ireland in Brixton Prison, England on October 25th, 1920’. With photographic print.
Captain Richard Coleman ‘who fought for the Freedom of Ireland, Easter, 1916, and died in Usk Prison, England, on December 9th, 1918’. With photographic print.
Peadar Healy, 86 Phibsboro’ Road, Capt., A. Co., 1st Battalion, Irish Volunteers, died 12 Apr. 1919. One card with photographic print and another in Irish.