Pièce 2021-07-20/134 - Mary Martin thanking Prior for Mass

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Mary Martin thanking Prior for Mass


  • 01-01-1934 ca (Création/Production)

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3 A5 pages, double sided.

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Letter thanking Prior for Mass he said for her, and discussing various other topics.


96 Lr Leeson St
Dear Father Prior
How am I to thank
you for saying Mass for me

  • also asking +- Davidx
    this gift is infinite oh if
    I were only worthy ff all the
    love + generosity you all have
    shown me since I went
    to Glenstal. Allowing me
    to help in a very small
    way in Glenstal I always
    regard as a very great
    privilege + now to be allowed
    in Gods loving Providence to
    suffer a little with Him for
    His Fathers Glory leaves me in
    a greater ditth thanever. I
    may honestly, say there is
    absolutely no reason for you
    to feel any remorse if
    there could be any fault it is
    all on my side but really
    I believed it is all in Gods
    plan for my sanctification
    His future Work + s think
    also for Glenstal in a more
    perhaps humble + hidden
    All I regret is the
    inconvenience + extra work
    I have been the cause of
    laying on your shoulders +
    for leaving
    things in such
    I feel very much for you
    with your further cross +
    anxiety over Rose I shall
    pray much for hhr quick
    I fear Mr O' Reilty will be
    disappointed these things cannot
    be helped + I thank you
    very much for all the
    trouble you have taken
    I asked my brother to telephone
    at once as S. O' Reilly
    called in yesterday hoping
    to meet Dom David who
    would perhaps have good
    news for them_ I am very
    sorry it did not suit your
    niece as it is a lovely
    home + a real catholic
    I sucerely hope
    Mc thorpes will her
    I know Mr Byme
    well he is one of the
    best know Architects in
    Dublin a personal friend
    our family.
    theso circumstances I may grow
    in greater love + union with God
    My great difficulty is to over
    come a terrible natural
    dread I have of anaesthetics
    but God gave me courage
  • great grace last time
    He will not refuse me
    again I know.
    I am delighted to hear
    about the Statue of Our Lady
    being finished + in the Chapel
    at must look very well
    with Our holy Father St. Benedict
  • what a blessing that united
    prayer of the whole of Glenstal
    at Our Ladys
    feet must
    do for the individual souls
    the monastery + school..
    shall be with you all in spirit.
    Sister Baptist knows Mr Thorpe
    if you wish you could write
    to her for any particulars.
    I am glad to hear Lizzie
    was able to get away to see
    her Aunt I hope she
    continues to give satisfaction
    Will you please explain to
    them, if they do not hear
    from me for the next we
    it is that they wish me
    to rest more + shall not
    be allow
    to write much
    after the operation for some
    I shall drop you
    a line
    you can give them
    all the new. Tell them
    I count
    on their united
    your English in improving
    greatly I suppose you have
    no difficulty in spanking
    now at all.
    Will you please remember me
    to Dom Columba + say how
    sorry I was to hear he had
    to have all his teeth out
    Also please remember me to
    all the Fathers teachers boys
  • staff.
    I had a very nice letter +
    picture from Dom Gerard.
    I shall drop him a line _
    With all good wishes
    grateful thanks for everything
    in prayer.
    your obedient child
    in Jesus + Mary.
    Sr Mary

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