Pièce 2021-07-20/135 - Mary Martin -nursing training

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Mary Martin -nursing training


  • 29-12-1934 (Création/Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

3 A5 pages, double sided. Stamped "Greenbank, Monkstown"

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Letter seeking advice regarding nursing training, and other matters relating to establishing a religious congregation.

29 Dec : 1934
My dear i. Prior
To-day we sing the grand
Te Deum in thanksgiving
God for all the graces +
blessings of the old year my
praises go up to God thanking
Him for every thing especially
for the graces I received at
Glenstal + during
my illness
they were precious beyond
words next year I hope for as
all they will be even richer
even if it Means more toes .
I was very very pleased to see
Lizzie looking so well + happy
she too has greatly
. she is
really happy at Glenstal + wants
to do her hest to please you all
I have written to Miss Leyden
to return to you on the 7 Jan.
if you would prefere her to
have a companion It could
send perhaps Miss Moynagh
or Miss O' Rourke till I am
able to go down myself. If
you would like this arrangement
then the work should be devided
they should have regular time
for prayer + if it were possible
to have instruction on the religious
life say once every two weeks
as well as the general instruction
to the maids
They should be able
if there were two to undertake the
Fathers mending. Owing to financia
would have to ask you MONKSTOWN
to give them their full keep laundry
etc. I think Dom Gerard arranged
with Fr. John that M.M.M. travelling
expenses were paid, he will be
able to tell you, it was
so but
I always tried to do all I
could as long as I was in
The position to do so as I
feel we would be more than
repaid for the little we could
do for Glenstal in the spiritual
formation we would receive

  • the privilege
    a religious atmosphere.
    Now I am faced with all
    the sure signs + blessing
    a work
    That is really Gods To be successful
    at must live +
    practise all the
    characteris tie of far
    Divine Lords Life. One
    of the great blessings of last
    year is M.M.M. starts in real
    poverty like the spirit o
    holy Season

    Wee are doing all we can in
    a quiet way up here to collect
    enough friends to pay the fees,
    for the nursing training
    Please let me know what you
    two were going I would
    prefere_ I
    like if possible that they had
    instructions on the vows as I
    think for the first few years
    we shall have to remain as
    secular with private vows
    practising the works we propose
    to undertake eventually as religious
    I await my return or your will
    looked forward visit to dicuss
    all our future plans
    for Glenstal + M.M.M. MONKSTOWN
    As for Miss Hayes T.G. she
    seems less better over the whole
  • wrote to. day to ask
    me when she might
    your visit.
    you will not
    hear further from
    her unless
    you write to her_
    I hope
    her time was
    was very
    give her
    The stumps are beginning to
    show healthy signs of healing
    I am still confined to bed +just
    temperature . It is
    running a slight
    A case of patience
    humility + perfect trust in God
    to cure me in His own time
    I must be striped of all self
  • this is a painful + long
    process _
    with all loving wishes to
    everyone for 1935.
    Your grateful
    child in Jesus + Mary
    31 just received enclose will
    yon read it, show it to Dom
    Davide I would like to have
    back by
  • possible as
    I need it on Wednesday or
    Thursday - M.M

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