Unidad documental compuesta 7 - Letters regarding a dispute with John Jameson & Son for rights of passage

Código de referencia

IE CA CS/2/2/7/7


Letters regarding a dispute with John Jameson & Son for rights of passage


  • 26 Sept. 1882-13 Nov. 1883 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental compuesta

Volumen y soporte

16 items; Manuscript and typescript

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Historia archivística

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Alcance y contenido

Letters of William Read & Son, 4 Dawson Street, Dublin, solicitors for John Jameson & Son, distillers, to Terence O’Reilly, solicitors for the Capuchin friars, concerning a dispute over rights of passage from Church Street to Bow Street. On 9 May 1883, William Read wrote ‘your clients are enjoying the use of those passages and have not for a considerable time paid any rent for same … and our applications and draft of leases have hitherto been treated with silence on your part …’. On 31 Oct. 1882, John Jameson instructed his solicitors to let it be known ‘that he will not press for the present payment of the arrears of rent due £103 10s 0d nor will he ask for interest thereon provided the principal be paid within a reasonable period (say twelve months) and the future rent paid punctually’. With a rental account of John Jameson & Sons with the Capuchin community, Church Street. 2 Oct. 1882.

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