Reference code
IE CA IR-1/1/2/2/7
Letter from Áine b. Ė. Ceannt to Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap.
- 9 May 1917 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
3 pp; Manuscript
Name of creator
(24 October 1877-14 February 1925)
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Scope and content
Letter from Áine b. Ė. Ceannt, [wife of Ėamonn Ceannt], 44 Oakley Rd., Ranelagh, noting that ‘it is terrible to find that the rebels at Church St. are not only self-willed but so mightily independent’. She compliments Father Albert for saying the mass in Irish: ‘I felt how pleased poor Eamonn would be’. She gives news of the ailing condition of Muriel MacDonough’s ‘poor soon [who] has to go to a nursing home and lie on his back for months’. She also refers to the North Roscommon by-election and a well-received letter from Fr. Augustine Hayden which was printed in the Roscommon Herald