Showing 27 results

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Bibby, Albert, 1877-1925, Capuchin priest With digital objects
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Capuchin Friars, Kilkenny
Capuchin Friars, Kilkenny
Capuchin Friars at Tomás Mac Curtain's Funeral
Capuchin Friars at Tomás Mac Curtain's Funeral
Newspaper Clippings relating to the Irish Revolution
Newspaper Clippings relating to the Irish Revolution
Hymn to St. Columcille
Hymn to St. Columcille
The Plain People (Na Daoine Macánta)
The Plain People (Na Daoine Macánta)
Poblacht na hEireann (War News)
Poblacht na hEireann (War News)
Irish Capuchin Archives
Irish Capuchin Archives
Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. and Student Friars
Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. and Student Friars
Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap., Civil War Hostilities, Dublin
Fr. Albert Bibby OFM Cap., Civil War Hostilities, Dublin
Memorandum of Ambulance Work & Efforts for Peace during the Civil War
Memorandum of Ambulance Work & Efforts for Peace during the Civil War
Results 1 to 10 of 27