From the Sacred congregation of religious
- IE IE/GLA IE/GLA/2022-01-17/248/2022-01-17/249/2023-06-05/600/2023-06-23/720
- Item
- 12-01-1948
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
24 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
From the Sacred congregation of religious
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
permission regarding Blessed Sacrament
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Granting faculties - congregation of religious
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Sacred Congregation - Mark Barry
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Matthew Fowler - Sacred Congregation
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Sacred Congregation /Abbaye Saint-Andre
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Sacred Congregation - Finbarr O' Mahony
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Sacred Congregation - Godefridus Dayez
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Sacred Congregation - Bernard O Dea
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sacred Congregation of Religious
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec