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Archival description
Glenstal Abbey Archive
IE IE/GLA IE/GLA · Fonds · 1700

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Description of collections:

Non-monastic collection:

Carbery papers, 1658-1759.
Sir Thomas Hackett papers, 1688-1720.
Cloncurry papers, 1880-1909.
Correspondence between Mother Mary Martin and Bede Lebbe, 1930s.
John Sweetman papers, 1911-1923.
Diaries of Richard Hobart (1784-1802), Sir Thomas Kane (1837) and J. Grene Barry (1869-76).
Gaelic League Ard-Craomh minute book, 1907-15.

Monastic collection:

Foundation correspondence.
Legal and administrative documents.
Financial, farm and school records.
Seniorate minute books, 1927-80.
Material relating to congresses, 1952 onwards.
Material relating to the foundation in Nigeria, 1974 onwards.
Private papers of deceased monks.
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Fonds · 01/01/1700

The documents of the Archives of the Passionist Congregation in Scotland and Ireland.
Material that is outside the scope of GDPR concerns has been made available on the public facing side of the catalogue.

There is a private catalogue which contains information that can be released, but needs to be assessed by the archivist, on a case by case basis before doing so. If researchers wish to access any information from the 20th century onwards, they need to contact the archivist beforehand.

The Passionist Congregation, St. Patrick's Province
IE/ROS · Fonds · 1700 - 2024

History of the Rosminians for the province of Ireland and the United States of America

Rosminian Congregation Ireland