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Circular letter from Seosamh Mac Donnchadha (Joseph MacDonagh), Minister for Labour, Dáil Ėireann

Circular letter from Seosamh Mac Donnchadha (Joseph MacDonagh), Minister for Labour, Dáil Ėireann, to the Superiors of all Religious Houses in Ireland, enclosing a copy statement, written by a Belfast priest, detailing ‘the Orange atrocities committed on Catholic workers and others last July and August’. MacDonagh asks the Religious Superiors to use ‘their wide influence to assist in the rigid enforcement and maintenance of the Belfast Trade Boycott’. MacDonagh was elected unopposed as a Sinn Féin MP for the Tipperary North constituency at the 1918 general election. He was Director of the ‘Belfast Boycott’, an attempt in 1920–21 to boycott goods from Ulster that were being imported into the south of Ireland. With a printed flier titled ‘Black list, Belfast Economic Boycott’ listing the principal firms acting as distributors for ‘Belfast goods’ in Dublin and in other parts of Ireland.

Republican Street Ballads

A collection of street ballad leaflets assembled by Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. (1876-1965), a Capuchin friar, in 1921. The handbills relate to events in the War of Independence from 1919-21. This contentious period produced its share of controversial literature mainly in the form of leaflets, handbills, ballads and other forms of popular street literature. The treatment of prisoners during the War of Independence was the subject of political and social outrage and was reflected in popular ballads celebrating the lives of Kevin Barry, Patrick Moran, Thomas Traynor and other republican prisoners executed in Mountjoy Jail in Dublin and in other locations following courts martial from 1920-1. Most of the ballads recounted popular stories told in simple metre, and set to (mostly) traditional airs. The ballad titles include:
'Kevin Barry'
'The Bould Black & Tan'
'God Save the Peelers'
'Commandant McKeown'
'My Little Grey Home in Mountjoy'
'Thomas Traynor / Died for Ireland / Mountjoy Prison / April 26 '21'
'Brave sons of Granuaile'
'The Standard of Green, White & Gold / A Song of Truce'
'Latest Hit / If you're Irish We're goin' to Suppress you'

Liberator and Irish Trade Unionist

'The Liberator' was a weekly newspaper published by Bernard Doyle from offices in Parliament Street, Dublin. The paper espoused opposition to Jim Larkin, the trade union leader during the Dublin Lockout. Each edition featured elaborate and caustic cartoons and editorials invariably attacking Larkin. The file contains a complete bound run of this short-lived journal: 23 Aug. 1913 (Vol. 1. Nos. 1-14). The file also contains 'The Irish Trade Unionist and Labour Year Book, 1913'. Edited by Bernard Doyle, 48 pp.

Republican Handbills

Six uniform handbills in the Republican interest, starting with:
The Till of the people …. 2 copies
The Irish Free State brands Irishmen who refuse to be slaves. 2 copies
Make the war-mongers pay for the war ... If England ordered the war don't you think England ought to pay for it? 2 copies
Merciless tigers in their dealings with unarmed Republican prisoners. Spineless worms in their dealings with English ministers. That's what O'Higgins and Mulcahy are. 2 copies.
620,283 Irish voters went to the Polls on June 16th, 1922. Not a solitary one of these 620, 283 voters wanted war. But one English voter, Winston Churchill, wanted war and he had his way. That is what is meant by "The Will of the People". 5 copies
The two policies. The policy of Sinn Fein gives you ... a fearless nation. The other policy gives you ... a craven state. 2 copies.
Do you believe that while there is a single hungry child in Ireland, the sum of £37,865 per year of the Irish Peoples’ money should be expended on Tim Healy? 2 copies.
Address to the Dublin Brigade by the Officer Commanding, signed by Oscar Traynor.

Not Guilty

An Anti-Treaty handbill. The text reads: ‘It has been said that the Irish people are guilty of the blood shed by the firing squads, because the executions were carried out in their name ... This is not true ... when the time comes, they will repudiate the responsibility for the blood. Guiltiness and The shame, by turning down the men who falsely used their name as a cover for these horrible deeds. Printed in Manchester by Whiteley & Wright. Titled ‘No. 1’ in a series.

Newspaper reports of the 1916 Rising and its aftermath

The file includes the following editions from mainly national newspapers reporting on the Rising and on subsequent events:
'Cork Examiner', 24 June 1916
'Irish Weekly Independent', 29 Apr. & 6 May & 13 May 1916
'Weekly Irish Times', 29 Apr. & 13 May 1916
'Irish Times', 18 Apr.-1 May 1916; 12 May 1916 (p. 5 only)
'Saturday Herald', 27 May 1916
'Cork Examiner', 6 May 1916
'Freeman’s Journal', 11-13 May 1916; 2 June 1916 (13 May 1916 has pp 5-8 only).
'Irish Independent', 15 May 1916

Republican Handbills

Uniform handbills in the Republican interest, starting with:
The Murder Members. The following are the names of the members of the partition parliament who voted for the murder bill. Note: 2 copies; 1 leaf. 31 cm
Seven Steps towards the Republic; 1 p. 19 cm.
On the proper shoulders. At head of text: extracts from the Official Report of proceedings in the English House of Commons (Hansard, June 26th, 1922, Vol. 155, no. 84). 5 copies; [6] pp.; 22 cm.
The new terror ... homes raided in the dead of night; women and children terrorised ... These are some fruits of the Treaty. We will break this new terror as we broke the old. Make no doubt about it. Note: 1 p. 21 cm.
Conspiracy to murder. The Provisional Government has sent an agent to the south to assassinate Eamonn de Valera. The name of the agent is known. Is this done by the will of the Irish people? Note: 1 p. 17 cm.
Violation of Padraig Pearse's Home. Mrs. Pearse's words to the Free State soldiers; Note: 1 p. 26 cm.
To the Free State Soldiers. Anti-Treaty handbill (black typescript on buff coloured paper), urging Free State soldiers to lay down their arms. Urging the soldiers of the Provisional Government, which includes Arthur Griffith, not to take up arms and/or demean soldiers of the Irish Republic during the Irish Civil War. 1 p. 26 cm.
Murdered. On the murder of Harry Boland. Note: 2 pp; 26 cm.
Provisional Government Offer Valuable Prizes for the Best Answers to the following eighteen questions. Note: 2 copies; 1 leaf; 33 cm.
The Mountjoy “Hotel”. Note. 1 p. 27 cm.
Appeal to the People and Volunteers of Tirconaill. Note: 1 p.; 33 cm.
Resolutions adopted by Padraic Pearse Council A.A.R.I.R., Chicago, Illinois, published by the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic. 14 Oct. 1922. Note: Printed, 4 pp.
Do you know Joe Clark? A leaflet, including the statement of Joseph Clark, on the crimes committed against him by the Free State authorities, dated 13 Nov. 1922. Note: 1 p.; 33 cm.

Illustrations by Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap.

File containing illustrations for 'The Capuchin Annual' by Fr. Gerald McCann OFM Cap. (1910-1958). These humorous black-ink drawings depict aspects of Capuchin Franciscan life and were regularly published in the 'Annual'. Fr. Gerald also served as assistant-editor of the publication. The themes include Christmas festivities, pranks and mischiefs involving Capuchins (some of the friars depicted, including Fr. Senan Moynihan OFM Cap., were known to Fr. Gerald), sports, music, everyday chores and religious rituals.

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper clippings of reviews of various editions of 'The Capuchin Annual'. The file includes articles from the 'Cork Examiner', 'Irish Catholic', 'Dublin Opinion', 'Evening Mail', 'Irish News', 'Irish Press', 'The Advocate', 'The Leader', 'Irish Independent', 'Sunday Independent', 'The Corkman', 'The Kerryman', 'Catholic Standard', 'Limerick Leader', 'Connaught Tribune', 'Wexford People', and 'The Electrical Mail; (a publication issued by ESB). The file also includes typescript reviews of the 'Annual' in broadcasts by Radio Éireann in 1961-2. Specific topics and reviews include features on the 1916 Rising (the 1966 edition of the 'Annual'), the Gaelic Athletic Association, Francis Ledwidge, Archbishop Daniel Mannix, and various photographic features in the 'Annuals'. An article by Desmond Rushe in the 'Irish Independent' (6 Jan. 1977) expresses regret that the 'Annual' will cease publication.

Seán Ó Riada

Clippings from the 'Irish Times' (4-6 Oct. 1971) referring to the death and funeral of the Irish composer, Seán Ó Riada (d. 3 Oct. 1971).

Résultats 111 à 120 sur 329